The New York State Legislature recently passed amendments to New York Labor Law §193, to permit employers to make additional payroll deductions authorized in writing by employees. Governor Cuomo is expected to sign this bill into law very shortly.
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Connecticut recently became the first state to mandate that employers provide paid sick leave for service workers (the “Act”), effective January 1, 2012.

The Act may indicate an emerging trend of which employers should be aware. Cities, including San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Milwaukee, have already passed mandatory paid sick leave legislation in recent years,

On December 13, 2010, New York Governor David A. Paterson signed the Wage Theft Prevention Act (“Act”). The New York Labor Law currently requires employers to notify employees in writing, at the time of hiring, of their rate of pay, pay date, and overtime rate (if applicable). The Act amends the law to significantly increase the penalties for wage payment violations, particularly for repeat offenders, and now requires employers to provide additional information regarding the payment of wages to employees. All New York employers must revise their pay practices by the Act’s effective date, April 12, 2011.
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In light of recent high-profile lawsuits in New York involving defendants such as Starbucks and Del Posto, employers must be aware of important new changes to New York labor laws that can significantly affect their business and profits.

Minimum Wage Increase for Tipped Employees

Minimum wages for tipped workers in the hospitality industry, such as

The New York Legislature recently passed a new law that requires greater communication and transparency from employers in the hiring and firing process. Employers who fail to comply risk incurring penalties and unwanted scrutiny of labor and employment policies and practices. The Labor & Employment team at Reed Smith is here to help employers comply