non-profit organizations

As we posted on Tuesday, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has at long last issued its final regulatory rule banning virtually all existing and future U.S. non-compete agreements. In this series, we will unpack some of the more nuanced questions surrounding the final rule. Although the series is generally applicable, today’s post is particularly geared toward non-profit organizations.

Does the final rule apply to entities claiming tax-exempt status as non-profits?

It depends. In the commentary to the final rule, the FTC explains that Congress empowered the agency to prevent “persons, partnerships, or corporations” from engaging in unfair methods of competition. To fall within the definition of “corporation” under the FTC Act, an entity must be “organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members.” These FTC Act provisions have been interpreted in commission precedent and judicial decisions to mean that the FTC lacks jurisdiction over corporations not organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members.Continue Reading Unpacking the FTC’s ban on U.S. non-compete agreements: Impact on non-profit organizations