So much for a quiet year-end for New York City employers. In the final weeks of 2015, NYC government officials took two actions that will have a significant impact on the city’s business community, first passing a bill banning “caregiver” discrimination and then, just days later, issuing sweeping guidance regarding gender identity and expression discrimination. Each of these items will be discussed below.

Ban on “Caregiver” Discrimination

On December 16, the New York City Council passed yet another amendment to the already-broad NYC Human Rights Law (NYCHRL), this time barring discrimination against “caregivers.” This means that employers may not take an adverse action (e.g., refuse to hire, fire, or demote), or otherwise discriminate against an employee with respect to the terms and conditions of employment, based on the employee’s actual or perceived status as a “caregiver.”
Continue Reading Ending the Year With A Bang: NYC Bans “Caregiver” Discrimination and Issues Sweeping Gender Identity/Expression Discrimination Guidance